Fahrenheit to Celsius Calculator – °F to °C

Use this Fahrenheit to Celsius calculator for easy conversions. Enter the degrees Fahrenheit to view the equivalent temperature in Celsius. You can also use our Fahrenheit to Celsius formula below for manual calculations.

Fahrenheit to Celsius (F to C) Temperature Conversion

Fahrenheit to Celsius Calculator

Type a value in the Fahrenheit field to convert the value to Celsius:


To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 and multiply by .5556.

Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * .5556

An easy but less accurate way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is to subtract 30 and divide by 2. While this formula won’t give you exact results, you can complete it in your head for a rough estimate.

An Example of How to Convert °F to °C

If it’s 80 °F, it’s 26.67 °C. Here’s how we came to that conclusion:

80 °F - 32 = 48

48 * 0.5556 = 26.66667°C

For easy Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions, subtract thirty and divide by two.

80 - 30 = 50

50/2 = 25

As you can see, this method is less accurate but gives you a general idea of degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius.

Fahrenheit (°F)Celsius (°C)Kelvin (K)Description
-459.67 °F-273.15 °C0 Kabsolute zero temperature
-50 °F-45.56 °C227.59 K
-40 °F-40.00 °C233.15 K
-30 °F-34.44 °C238.71 K
-20 °F-28.89 °C244.26 K
-10 °F-23.33 °C249.82 K
0 °F-17.78 °C255.37 K
10 °F-12.22 °C260.93 K
20 °F-6.67 °C266.48 K
30 °F-1.11 °C272.04 K
32 °F0 °C273.15 Kfreezing/melting point of water
40 °F4.44 °C277.59 K
50 °F10.00 °C283.15 K
60 °F15.56 °C288.71 K
70 °F21.11 °C294.26 Kroom temperature
80 °F26.67 °C299.82 K
90 °F32.22 °C305.37 K
98.6 °F37 °C310.15 Kaverage body temperature
100 °F37.78 °C310.93 K
110 °F43.33 °C316.48 K
120 °F48.89 °C322.04 K
130 °F54.44 °C327.59 K
140 °F60.00 °C333.15 K
150 °F65.56 °C338.71 K
160 °F71.11 °C344.26 K
170 °F76.67 °C349.82 K
180 °F82.22 °C355.37 K
190 °F87.78 °C360.93 K
200 °F93.33 °C366.48 K
212 °F100 °

Definition and History of Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit is a temperature scale from the Imperial and U.S. Customary System. On the Fahrenheit scale, the temperature at which water freezes is 32°, and the temperature at which water boils is 212°.

The symbol for Fahrenheit is °F.

The Fahrenheit scales originated in 1724 based on measurements proposed by German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. He established the original scale on two measures, 0° was the temperature at which a brine solution froze, and 90°, which was thought to be the average human body temperature at the time.

Fahrenheit is the official temperature scale in the United States, Liberia, the Cayman Islands, and the Western Pacific. Some regions, like the United Kingdom and Canada, may use Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Definition and History of Celsius

The Celsius scale is a measure of temperature from the metric system. In the Celsius scale, 0° is the point at which water freezes, and 100° is the temperature at which water boils.

The symbol for Celsius is °C.

The Celsius scale was developed in 1742 by Swedish astronomer Ander Celsius. It was initially named Centigrade but was renamed Celsius in 1948 to honor its developer. The 1742 version of the scale was a reverse of today’s version, where 0° represented boiling water and 100° represented the freezing point.

As part of the metric system, most of the world uses the Celsius system. Only a few select countries, like the United States and Liberia, don’t use Celsius.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)FAQ

Is the Kelvin Scale the same as Celsius?

The Kelvin scale, most often used in scientific research and literature, is not the same as the Celsius scale. The freezing point on the Kelvin scale is 273.15 K, equal to 0 °C. The boiling point on Kelvin Scale is 373.15 K, equivalent to 100 °C.

How do you convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin?

Converting from Fahrenheit to Kelvin is difficult. Since Fahrenheit is from the Imperial system, it doesn’t follow the same structure as Celsius and Kelvin. The formula for °F to K is T.K. = (T.F. + 459.67) x 5/9.

Why Doesn’t the United States Use Celsius?

The U.S. uses the United States Customary system, similar to the British Imperial System. Using Celsius, a measurement from the metric system, would require costly measurement conversions for businesses and a relearning of measures across the entire country. It’s an expense many companies cannot withstand.

What’s the Benefit of Celsius over Fahrenheit?

The benefit of Celsius (and the metric system) is the use of rounded, easy-to-calculate numbers. On the Celsius scale, 0 (freezing) and 100 (boiling) are the defining measures. But Fahrenheit does offer one benefit – more precise temperatures.