Meters to Feet Calculator – m to ft

Switch from meters to feet by entering your meters value in the converter below. You can also convert meters to feet using a simple formula.

Convert Meters(m) to Feet(ft)

Type a value in the Meters(m) field to convert the value to Feet(ft):

There are 3.28084 feet in one meter. To figure the number of feet in meters, multiply by 3.28084.

Feet = Meters * 3.28084

Reference the f to m chart below for common conversions.

Meters to Feet Calculator - m to ft

Definition and History of the Meter

Symbol: m

The meter (metre) is an S.I. or metric system unit that measures length. The meter originated in 1793, defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the equator. The definition changed over time with the latest update in 2019. The most up-to-date description of the meter is the length traveled by light in a vacuum during an interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second and where the second is the cesium frequency ΔνCs.

While the scientific definition is quite confusing, you can also think of a meter as 3.281 feet, 39.37 inches, 100 centimeters, or 1.09 yards.

As part of the metric system, most of the world uses the meter to measure length. The square meter measures area, as in the case of real estate listings, and the cubic meter measures volume. 

Examples of items that are about one meter include:

  • An adult-sized baseball bat
  • A yardstick
  • The width of a doorframe

Definition and History of the Foot

Symbol: ft.

The foot is a length measurement from the Imperial and United States Customary System. The foot originates in ancient Greece, Rome, and China, with each country having a different measure, which ranged from 250mm to 335mm.

The original definition related to the human body and the foot size of the average adult man, although some countries, like Egypt, based the measurement on the size of four hand palms. Even in ancient times, people broke the foot measurement down into 12 or 16 units. Today, the definition of a foot is 12 inches.

Other ways to imagine a foot include one-third of a yard, .3048 meters, or 30.48 centimeters.

As a U.S. Customary unit,  United States residents use the foot to measure length and height. The square foot measures area, and the cubic foot measures volume. Some countries, like those in the U.K. and Canada, use the foot and meter for length measurements.

Examples of items that measure about one foot include:

  • 12-inch sub sandwich
  • Two dollar bills laid side by side
  • A standard ruler
Meters (m)Feet (ft)Kilometers (km)
0.01 m0.0328084 ft0.00001 km
0.1 m0.328084 ft0.0001 km
1 m3.28084 ft0.001 km
2 m6.56168 ft0.002 km
3 m9.84252 ft0.003 km
4 m13.12336 ft0.004 km
5 m16.40420 ft0.005 km
6 m19.68504 ft0.006 km
7 m22.96588 ft0.007 km
8 m26.24672 ft0.008 km
9 m29.52756 ft0.009 km
10 m32.80840 ft0.01 km
20 m65.61680 ft0.02 km
30 m98.42520 ft0.03 km
40 m131.23360 ft0.04 km
50 m164.04200 ft0.05 km
60 m196.85039 ft0.06 km
70 m229.65879 ft0.07 km
80 m262.46719 ft0.08 km
90 m295.27559 ft0.09 km
100 m328.08399 ft0.1 km

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)FAQ

What things should you measure in meters?

Use meters to measure length and height. Common reasons to measure with meters include taking a person’s height, measuring the length of a room, planning for furniture or renovations, or measuring short distances. 

Can you measure long distances in meters?

Measure long distances in kilometers instead of meters. One kilometer equals one thousand meters. 

Can you measure long distances in feet?

If you’re from the United States, measure long distances in yards or miles. The measurement “foot” is more appropriate for recording a person’s height, planning for renovations, and measuring short distances. 

How to measure meters by walking?

If you need a ballpark estimate of meters, you need to know the length of your foot. In the United States, the average men’s shoe size is 10.5, which is almost 11 inches long. That means every four steps would be approximately 1.1 meters.

How to measure feet by walking?

If you’re the average U.S. man wearing a 10.5 size shoe, each step you take is about 11 inches. Add a one-inch gap between steps, and you can estimate the footage of an area.