How to Clean Grout in Your Shower

Clean your shower grout as part of your weekly cleaning routine to avoid mold build-up and discoloration.

While tiled showers can give your bathroom an upscale look, grout can collect grime and discoloration over time. A quick spray of tub and tile cleaner every week can keep your grout in good shape. You can use one of the methods below for deeper cleanings.

Here’s how to clean grout in your shower.

The Best Methods for Cleaning Shower Grout

How to Clean Grout in Your Shower

There’s more than one way to tackle dirty grout. Try one of these methods for the best results.

Use Black Diamond Ultimate Grout Cleaner (Best for Discolored Grout)

Use Black Diamond Ultimate Grout Cleaner if your grout is stained or dirty. We tested several of the top grout cleaners, and this one is unmatched.

Black Diamond Grout Cleaner is acid-free and safe for most types of tiles. To use it, spray on your grout lines, let it sit for 3 minutes, and then scrub with a grout brush before rinsing.

We used this product on unsealed light gray grout that had turned a dingy brown. With only one use, the grout looked almost brand new.

Baking Soda and Vinegar (Deep Clean Sealed Grout)

You can combine baking soda and vinegar to deep-clean sealed grout. But be wary of using vinegar on unsealed grout since the acidity can weaken it.

  • Mix baking soda and water to create a paste
  • Use a small grout brush or a soft-bristled toothbrush to apply that paste to the grout lines.
  • Spray the baking soda with a solution of half water and vinegar
  • As the mixture fizzes, scrub with your brush
  • Rinse with water

Use a Bathroom Spray with Bleach (Best for Killing Mold)

Like vinegar, bleach isn’t the best everyday cleaner for grout. Using it too often can cause your grout to weaken. But if you’re dealing with mold or your grout has turned black, a bleach spray is one of the best ways to kill mold and brighten grout lines.

Note: Only use bleach on glazed ceramic tile. It’s too harsh for natural stone tiles.

Grab your favorite bathroom bleach spray or mix up your own using 2 cups of water and two teaspoons of bleach. Ventilate the room, and then spray your grout with the bleach solution. Wait ten minutes, scrub, and rinse.

Try Dish Soap and Water (Best for Frequent Cleanings)

If your grout isn’t discolored and doesn’t have mold or mildew on it, mild soap and water are all you need. Dish soap is pH neutral, making it safe for all types of tile and grout.

Add a couple of drops of dish soap to a bowl of warm water. Then, dip a microfiber cloth or small brush in the solution and scrub your grout lines. Rinse afterward.

Check out other cleaning tutorials to keep your bathroom sparkling: Shower Curtain, Shower Head, Shower Drain, Mirrors, and Whole Shower.

Reseal Your Grout

Left unsealed, grout is porous. Porous materials can absorb moisture, leading to mold, mildew, and discoloration. Reseal your shower grout every six months to one year to prevent mold build-up.

Tips for Maintaining Shower Grout

Aside from sealing your grout, there are other things you can do to keep it in pristine condition.

  • Run your bathroom exhaust fan when taking a shower. Failure to do so can lead to excess moisture in the grout lines and shower ceiling. When moisture can’t escape, mold develops.
  • Spray your grout with a tube and tile cleaner every week. As you clean your bathroom each week, a quick spritz with tub and tile cleaner can combat dirt from settling into grout lines. Pick a cleaning product that’s safe for your shower material.
  • Avoid using acidic products on a regular basis. Many cleaning tutorials suggest using vinegar as a regular grout cleaner, don’t do it. While it’s okay to use vinegar for an occasional deep clean, using it often will lead to your grout or sealant wearing down.