Big, Bright Words to Decorate With: Ideas & Inspiration

In reality, everyone should be a lover of words. It’s how we communicate. Even if it’s not verbal, words are what get out emotions across. A simple look can be translated into a word or a phrase. A sound can symbolize the same thing. So, it’s only natural that we use words around the house to inspire and transform. Even if its just one big, inspiration and bright word, you’d be surprise what it can do to your space! Check out these quick ideas & inspiration we’ve gathered for you!

1. In the playroom.

Dream corner

Broaden your kiddos horizons with some inspiration word decals to sprinkle around the room. Buy them in bright, primary color decals or just simple black to make it a more subtle messages. Use words such as: create, inspire, discover, explore and dream to get their little kid wheels turning!

2. In the gym.

Dream corner

The same logic you use in the playroom can double for the home gym. With just a simple selection of words you can style your workout area while inspiring the space as well. Some great words to use include: energy, fitness, drive, dedication, strength and health! And when someone on the treadmill needs a quick boost, they can just look to the wall for that extra push.

3. In the dining room.

Dream corner

The dining room is a great spot to adorn with something family-oriented. And the words don’t always have to be decals, a bright and funky handmade banner could be just want your eclectic home needs. Words like gratitude, family, love, loyalty and forever are wonderful options for any space that the family likes to gather.

4. In (or on) the entryway.

Dream corner

If you’re bold enough, grab the spray paint and get to work. This is such an easy DIY to try out. Of course you can use a mat to hold the “hello,” as well. A few words that work well for the entryway include: hello, hi, welcome, happy, sunshine and home. It’ll be such a fun way to welcome your family and friends!

5. In the bedroom.

Dream corner

Probably one of the most popular spots to decorate with words would be the bedroom. Decals, frames, painted or created, words are wonderfully suited for the bedroom because it great for personal expression. Use words that are unique to you! But some of the best options are dream, relax, love, together, forever, cozy and heart.

Picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.