Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

APR 12, 2023 BY Katie Barton

Make things easy to put back

Frequency: Every 1-3 Months

Deep Cleaning Tasks

Dust Your Ceiling and Light Fixtures

Deep Clean Your Appliances

Clean Out Your Pantry and Cabinets

Wipe Counters and Clean Backsplash

Clean Windows, Baseboards, Walls,  and Trash Can

Sweep and Mop

Keep your systems simple

Frequency: Once per week

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

– Clean out the refrigerator and throw away expired food/leftovers – Scrub and disinfect your sink and faucet – Do a quick clean inside the microwave – Wipe the exterior of appliances – Wipe down countertops and backsplash – Clean kitchen table and chairs – Sweep and mop the floors

Declutter on a regular basis

Frequency: Every day

Daily Cleaning Checklist

– Wash dishes/empty dishwasher – Rinse out/clean the sink – Switch out dish towels and dish rags – Sanitize your sponge (do this every two days) – Remove clutter or unnecessary items from the kitchen – Wipe counters and backsplash – Sweep the floors – Mop when needed or spot-treat dirty areas on the floor