The Colorful Liljevalch Easy Chair and Sofa

Cozy and colorful, the Liljevalch Easy Chair is a natural choice for modern homes. Its design is vintage but with a modern touch. The chair was designed by Josef Frank back in 1934. Despite that fact it still looks appealing and stylish, even today.The Liljevalch Easy Chair is something that any living room needs. It’s a very comfortable piece of furniture and it’s just one needs after a long day of work. It’s a wonderfully relaxing piece. The chair was shown at the Liljevalch Art Gallery together with its matching sofa. The sofa, the same as the chair, features a similar design, both colorful and chic.

Colorful armchair

The shape and dimensions of the chair and sofa are not customizable. However, the upholstery can vary. Different types of fabric are used and the patters and colors vary from model to model. They are all colorful and chic and they share the same stylish look. The chair and sofa marked the designer’s entry in Sweden and are iconic creations. They date from 1934 when they were originally designed but they still manage to impress even after all these years. Some designs are just too great to be forgotten.

Colorful armchair

Both the chair and the sofa are soft and comfortable. The sofa also comes with matching pillows and has a compact design. The sofa can be purchased for 94,000 SEK while the easy chair costs 29,800 SEK.