How to Make the Most of an Outdated Space

Outdated spaces can come in many shapes and sizes, from wood paneled basements to midcentury kitchens to floral wallpapered living rooms.Sometimes it’s easy to just get rid of these outdated features.

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But other times, whether you’re renting or are just unable to make certain changes in your own home, you have to get a little more creative. There are a few different methods you can use to make the most of an outdated space. Here are three of your main options.

Cover It Up.


If you don’t have the resources or ability to actually get rid of whatever it is that makes your space outdated, you can try to simply cover it up. If the flooring is old and unattractive, use an area rug or two to hide as much of it as possible. If the wall has paneling or paint that isn’t your taste, you can use some temporary wallpaper or lots of wall art to distract they eye away from your outdated wall.

Enhance It.


On the other end of the spectrum, you could choose to simply go along with your outdated space and play up its unique features. If you have a midcentury room, for example, you could just buy some vintage pieces that fit in with the space and embrace the retro style.

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This won’t make your space less outdated, but it will add a unique style and make it seem more intentional rather than just a space you can’t afford to renovate.

Contrast It.


Lastly, you could just choose to contrast the style with modern pieces or items that go along with your own personal style regardless of the outdated features in the room.

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This doesn’t necessarily mean that you cover up the outdated features, but rather just add other items that make the other things fade into the background. If your room has drab flooring and paneling, add some colorful furniture and modern lines that will add a strong style to the space.

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Depending on your own particular space, there can be many different ways to either hide or disguise the outdated features of your home. Just consider your own personal style and taste, and you should be able to come up with a plan that will make your outdated space seem more like a uniquely styled home.