5 Essential Tips You Can Make Your Mattress Last Longer

A mattress is a very important investment and one that I’m sure you want to protect as best as you can. Caring for a mattress isn’t just about slapping a mattress cover on top of it. There are actually multiple ways in which you can ensure your mattress can live a long and healthy life, so we’re going to walk you through a list of tips on how to make the best out of your new bed.

#1. Mattress Protector

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First and foremost, every mattress should be used with a mattress protector. It doesn’t matter if the mattress cover is thick. It doesn’t matter if the cover can be removed and washed. Having a protector increases the lifespan of your mattress in all cases. Period. Assuming that you’re the kind of person that never eats or drinks in bed, a mattress protector can still act as an additional fabric standing between you and the cover.

If you enjoy munching on the occasional snack or like to drink your coffee in bed, having a waterproof mattress protector is a great way of making sure that you won’t get stains on the mattress because, let’s face it, we can all be a little bit clumsy at times.

#2. Bed Support

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If you’ve ever read the fine print of most mattress warranty guides, then you already know that most manufacturers require that you use their mattress with a proper foundation. This isn’t just a pretentious claim meant to scam you out of your warranty benefits; having the right foundation or platform for your bed will literally increase its lifespan as opposed to, let’s say, placing the mattress directly on the floor.

You may not need to purchase a foundation or a box spring with your new bed, as most mattresses are compatible with whatever foundation you already have in your bedroom. The role of these platforms is to make sure the mattress conserves the integrity of the materials and that it lies on a flat even surface that keeps the bed clean and well-ventilated.

For the most part, memory foam mattresses are best paired with a solid base, while box springs are most compatible with spring mattresses. The right platform will really depend on the type of mattress you’re considering buying. Beds that are Queen-size up will require center support bars, for example. Whatever the case, raise your mattress once every few months to verify the integrity of the platform underneath it.

#3: Pets and Children

Layla mattress ventilation

Without sounding too harsh, pets and kids are sometimes the number one enemies of a mattress, be it new or old. Kids tend to jump on the bed quite a lot, and if you have a spring, air, or water bed, you should fear for its integrity. Memory foam mattresses are prone to sagging, which makes jumping in bed a danger as well.

We all love it when our pets crawl into bed with us as animal love really is one of the best feelings in the world, but there is a difference between having a Persian cat or a German Shepherd coming into your bed. Regardless of the weight of the animal, you can’t ignore the possibility of claws sticking through the bed sheets and right into the surface of the bed.

Pets can also leave hair or drool on the bed, if they’re allowed outside they might bring dirt, dust, and debris in your bed, plus they can have the occasional wet accidents that could end up staining the mattress for good.

#4: Ventilation

Layla mattress ventilation

Every now and then, and especially if your home has high humidity levels, you are going to have to make sure that you ventilate the mattress. To do so, it’s not enough to simply open the windows every morning. When you’re doing some general house cleaning, lift up the mattress completely, lean it against the wall, and open windows and doors to allow air to circulate. Sometimes, the area underneath the mattress is just favorable for the development of bacteria or mold, which is why leaving the mattress in a well-ventilated room is a good way to increase its lifespan.

#5: Bedbugs

Layla mattress ventilation

As every well-documented bedbugs article will tell you, they are very difficult to get rid of once they’ve infiltrated your bedroom. If you ever sleep in a place other than home (and by another place, we especially mean hotels and motels), you increase the likelihood of bringing these critters home.

To make sure that isn’t a possibility, you can buy a bedbug mattress encasement that comes with a zipper and will completely cover all sides of the mattress to keep it safe under lockdown. Note that these are different from mattress protectors, which are piece of cloth that only cover the top and sides of the mattress.

#6: Proper Cleaning

Layla mattress ventilation

Every decent mattress manufacturer will provide you with clear instructions on how to clean your mattress. Some beds have covers that are removable and can be washed in the washing machine. Others have removable covers that can only be cleaned by hand. And other models can only be spot cleaned. Whatever the case, always clean the cover as per the manufacturer’s instructions if you want to make sure your mattress stays with you at least for the following decade.

#7: Rotating the Mattress

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Sometimes, a gesture as simple as rotating the mattress from time to time can prevent sagging. Even if some manufacturers claim that there is no need to do so, wear and tear is an inevitable occurrence in every mattress, so making sure that you promote even wear does sound like a smart idea.


When you purchase a new mattress, slapping a protector on top of it isn’t enough to make sure you increase its lifespan. There are other things that you can do to make sure that you can enjoy your new bed for many years to come and to preserve the mattress in a pristine condition even years from now.