Attractive DIY Cord Covers

Once you have a kid in your house you must pay attention to many things. Usually kids are very curios and have the intention to explore many places. My little daughter is one of them and she keeps taking me to different kinds of cabinets, drawers, wardrobes and tries to open all kinds of doors. She wants to see many things; she has already begun to memorize the places where she can find them although she is only 11 months old. She is a fan of keys and electrical cords so that I need to pay attention to all her moves and the objects she grabs.


Unfortunately I cannot escape or at least camouflage all the electrical cords but this interesting DIY project gave me an idea. It is an easy project and refers to some attractive DIY Cord Covers. They will succeed in hiding the ugly aspect of the electrical cord and at the same time they will not represent such a big attraction for kids.


The only materials that are needed are: some fabric, no-sew hemming tape, iron .The process is simple so that you need just cut a strip of fabric two times the length of the cord and four inches wide. Then you must unroll the no-sew hemming tape and begin to hem the two edges of the fabric together, pressing with a heated iron. At the end, slide the cover over the cord that will ruffle automatically.{found bystephanielynn}