Unconventional bathroom design with built-in bike

There are plenty of used bikes out there and some of them are not for riding anymore. But they still need a new home. Here’s an idea: use them around the house as decorative items or as functional pieces. You can either hang them on the walls for a nice, but clichee look, or yo can use them for something a little more original.

Bike bathroom

A fun way of integrating an old bike into the house is to make it part of the décor and use it as a functional piece. We found a very interesting bathroom décor that includes a bike. It sounds unusual at first and there’s aren’t many bathrooms with bikes in them. But just because hasn’t really been used in a certain way before this doesn’t mean you can’t start a new tradition. This bathroom décor is perfect to demonstrate this theory.

Bike bathroom

The bike is built-in under the sink and it functions as a pedestal replacement. This way the bike is functional and fun in the same time, helping create an unusual and original bathroom décor. The owner of that house can honesty say that he/she has a unique bathroom. The idea can be applied for other items as well. Just figure out what exactly is that you like and you’re passionate about and then try to incorporate that particular item into you home décor. All you have t do is be creative and use your imagination.{found on benjamin site}